Thursday, February 26, 2009

It is written

Destiny or unrelated coincidences?... how do we turn out to become who we are? Is it the result of a chain of uncoordinated events inter-weaved like threads of physical, emotional & spiritual fibre intertwined by chance, that forms the tapestry that is us.

I couldn't help thinking of this question walking out of the theatre after the movie finished, the movie that snatched 8(?) Oscars I think. The latest hype and pride of Asia, particularly the South - Slumdog Millionaire. My first impression of the title was that it was another story of an Afro-American from the ghetto, not unlike the story of Obama perhaps? Another rags to riches story of Hollywood? I'll pass. 

Soon after by chance, I read a review on it and found out the story is not based in Hollywood but in Bombay, India.

By chance, I just finished reading Paul Theroux's The Elephanta Suite, a compilation of 3 stories, of how Americans came to India thinking that they know India, and how they got to know India up-close, somewhat unfortunate ways.

By chance, issues were mentioned in the novel of child exploitation & prostitution, from being ruled by the colonial British to becoming the call center of the world, forsaking their the Queen's English in favor, not only of the American accent, but also the personality of the American brute instead the meek, polite personality of the English gentleman.

By chance, in early Jan, my manager had visited our New Delhi office & told us they have a tea-boy, we were told it cost only USD2 a day to hire 1.

By chance, during the 1980s in Singapore, the tv in my 3-room HDB flat would be tune-locked to Channel 8, which showed both Chinese & Indian programs, and while waiting for our favorite shows, we would watch the Hindi/Tamil movies, that's how I recognized Amitabh Bachchan.

By chance, also during the 1980s when I was young, a famous case happened in Singapore where 2 young brothers of about 10 years old were suspected to be kidnapped & never found. Many years later, there were unconfirmed witness reports that they were seen begging in the streets of Thailand, maimed - intentionally perhaps, like Arvind in the movie.

By chance, these separate chance occurrences brought the movie that much closer to my heart. 

By chance... really? Or was it written, predestined by a higher being. 

Each episode of Jamal's life taught him an answer to each question he was asked in the show. The almost predestined events of the USD100 bill, Lord Rama, musketeers story. If any one question was replaced by some other question, he would have been out of the game, and miss being reunited with the love of his life.

The loved ones we are with now, are they here by chance? Are we in their lives by chance, or is there actually a reasons for us to be together? Is there really such thing as destiny, then who writes destiny? The answer to me, was obvious... though the reason why my life is destined is way, I believe, will never be known to me.

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